
Chem NCERT: Acids,Bases - Basic knowledge

Chem NCERT: Acids,Bases - Basic knowledge : What are Acids and Bases? Theories of Acids and Bases. What is PH of the solution.? How it will effect the acidity and basicity of the s...

Chem NCERT1: Power Point: Halo alkanes

Chem NCERT1: Power Point: Halo alkanes : Power Point: Halo alkanes Basic and fundamental power point presentation for the fundamental understanding of the students. Please chec...

Chemical and Physical change

What is chemical change and what is physical change? What is the basic difference between them? Want to know the basic knowledge?

Chem NCERT: Organic synthesis at a glance

Chem NCERT: Organic synthesis at a glance : Organic chemistry at a glance organic chemistry the basic conversions of different functional groups and compounds .....

NCERT Chemistry class 11 and 12 syllabus

NCERT Chemistry class 11 and 12 Syllabus download here desm_s_chemistry

JEE Chemistry Weightage Analysis and Preparation Guidelines

JEE Chemistry Weightage Analysis and Preparation Guidelines Click here to download Jee 2021 chemistry weightage analysis from suresh gdvm

If water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, why can't we breathe underwater?

One thing about chemicals is that, once they react in certain ways, they form compounds that are nothing like the original elements. For example, if you react carbon, hydrogen and oxygen together one way you get glucose (C6H12O6)  If you react them together another way you get vinegar (C2H4O2). If you react them another way you get fat . If you react them another way you get ethanol (C2H5OH). Glucose, fat, ethanol and vinegar are nothing like each other, but they are all made from the same elements. In the case of hydrogen and oxygen gas, if you react them together one way you get liquid water (H2O). The reason we cannot breathe liquid water is because the oxygen used to make the water is bound to two hydrogen atoms, and we cannot breathe the resulting liquid. The oxygen is useless to our lungs in this form. The oxygen that fish breathe is not the oxygen in H2O. Instead, the fish are breathing O2 (oxygen gas) that is dissolved in the water. Many different gases dissolve i...